Monday, January 26, 2009


To look at the sky and not understand why things are the way they are,
to hear the cries of humanity only to remain helpless in preventing the pain behind them,
to thirst for invincibility and eternity yet to break down when the slightest harm befalls our loved ones,
to seek a place in history but never truly comprehend those who came before us,
to look to the unknown and see opportunity and to be terrified by it,
to plan for greatness and settle for the unbearable,
to idealize uniqueness while trying desperately to fit in,
to hate our parents and then become them,
to know that we will not live forever,
to be forced to face who we are,
to fail and learn and forget and fail again,
to laugh then cry then laugh some more,
to be human.

1 comment:

Duck said...

I know it's a terrible poem and I'll probably take it down soon, but I needed to get that out. :)