Monday, December 8, 2008


I find it odd and curious that part of the human condition is to feel boredom. We feel hunger pains to trigger us to refuel, we feel sexually driven to procreate; and we feel boredom for what?

Is it to motivate us to be productive?

It makes some daydream. When I am bored-stricken I daydream.
It makes some depressed. When I am bored-stricken I become depressed.

It seems to either motivate or deprive us of motivation. It is odd, is it not?

Not so odd. Humans are looked at by Marxists as innately positive beings. Hobbesists believe the opposite. I believe humans are both. We have potential for positive or negative outcomes.

boredom seems to do the same. As in all things in life, the trick is to try to focus boredom and funnel it into positive outlets.

Until next time: Alligator

1 comment:

Duck said...

I personally think the eastern philosophies understand boredom the most. They have always understood boredom to come from a lack of concentration and a "busy mind". Boredom is something that can actually be practiced and embraced from this type of perspective.

I'd recommend a look at this excellent article that discusses the psychological research in the area: